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Cooperations and partnerships

LTV SACHSEN is represented as a member in the following institutions:


German Tourism Association e. V.
Schillstraße 9, 10785 Berlin

Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Long way 4, 01239 Dresden

Association of the Saxon Economy e. V.
Bautzner Street 17, 01099 Dresden


Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen mbH
Bautzner Str. 45/47, 01099 Dresden

In addition, LTV SACHSEN participates in the following bodies:

At the federal level

  • Board of Directors: Rolf Keil, District Administrator Vogtlandkreis, Vice. Chairman Tourism Association Vogtland e. V.
  • Managing Director Conference: Manfred Böhme, Director LTV SACHSEN
  • WG Tourism Policy: Manfred Böhme, Director LTV SACHSEN
  • WG Quality and Customer Orientation: Ines Hanisch-Lupaschko, Managing Director Tourism Association Erzgebirge e. V.
  • AG Future Development: Tino Richter, Managing Director Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz e.V.
  • AG DTV-i-Marke: Carmen Krüger, Staff member Quality, Innovation, Digital LTV SACHSEN

Advisory Board S-Tourism Barometer: Manfred Böhme, Director LTV SACHSEN

Research Advisory Board: Manfred Böhme, Director LTV SACHSEN

At state level

Shareholders’ meeting: Jörg Markert MdL, President of LTV SACHSEN
Supervisory Board: Jörg Markert MdL, President of LTV SACHSEN
Marketing Advisory Board: Andrea Kis, Policy Officer LTV SACHSEN

Managing Director Conference: Manfred Böhme, Director LTV SACHSEN

  • Supervisory Board of Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen gGmbH: Manfred Böhme, Director LTV SACHSEN
  • Advisory Board Saxon Development Bank: Andreas Lämmel MdB, Honorary President LTV SACHSEN
  • Board of Trustees Day of Saxony: Dr. Matthias Rößler MdL, Honorary Member LTV SACHSEN
    Manfred Böhme, Director LTV SACHSEN
  • Jury Saxon Museum Award: Manfred Böhme, Director LTV SACHSEN
  • State Forestry Council of the Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture: Volkmar Viehweg, Mayor Stützengrün
  • State Advisory Board for Spas and Resorts of the Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism: Andrea Kis, Stellv. Association Director LTV SACHSEN
  • Expert Committee Gastronomy/Tourism of the IHK Dresden: Andrea Kis, Stellv. Association Director LTV SACHSEN
  • MDR Broadcasting Council: Manfred Böhme, Director LTV SACHSEN

Strong partnerships: an excerpt

We can only achieve our goals hand in hand with our partners. That’s why we work closely with a broad network of stakeholders from the fields of politics, marketing, quality, destination, hotel & gastronomy and many others. This joint work helps us to look at things from different angles and get input from different sides.

Below you will find an excerpt from our network:

Where do we participate everywhere?

If you want to know in detail where we are involved everywhere, you can download our complete network here:

The network of LTV SACHSEN